Water is the most essential element on the mother earth. No individual can survive or even think to survive without water. This is that element on mother earth which has no replacement. Once lost then the living beings will be left with only one thing that is regret and nothing else. So it is a basic requirement that all living beings deserve clean water that causes no harm to their health. In order to make the water clean people have installed home water purification systems which make the use of latest technology available in the market in order to save various lives from unclean water. The most commonly used technology is reverse osmosis or commonly called as RO.
Various people are of the believe that RO is not safe for health and leads to various side effects. But there is no alternative available. This is considered to be the best technology till date to clean the water and make it potable and consumable. Water is used for a number of purposes but most important among them is drinking. Our body requires water in adequate quantities every day in order to support the functioning of various organs and to improve the digestive system side by side making the skin glow a lot. Now a day’s various companies have come up with technologies that make use of RO in an efficient manner like combining their use with latest other technologies like UV and UF. This helps to remove the side effects of RO systems and allows people to have clean and safe water which causes no harm to the health of the population of a nation.
The process is reverse of the process of osmosis and in this the water passes through a membrane which captures all the dust particles and other harmful substances in it and allows the clean water to pass away so that there is no harm to the health of people. This is also of two types. One involves one stage purification and the other one involves two stage purification which means that water is passed through 2 outlets, from one clean water is passed which is fit for consumption and from the other one unpurified water passes which can be used for other unproductive purposes like watering the plants, etc. This helps to reduce the water wastage immensely and helps to save our natural resources. Even the purification process involves a controller called TDS controller which helps to set back the presence of various salts present in water. This helps in adjusting the amount of minerals in water so that it is considered fit for consumption. Despite these some people are against RO and claim following points:
Purification removes essential minerals:
Some people are of the belief that the purification removes all the minerals from water. Due to this the essential minerals which are necessary to the body are also removed which makes the purified water of no use. This is because the size of such mineral molecules is large and only the clean water is passed through the membrane nothing else. But there is no good method as compared to RO still in presence in order to avoid this side effect. People consider RO to be unsafe because of this fact that all minerals are removed from the water.
Reduces Ph level:
Another harmful effect of RO purification is that it reduces the ph level of water and makes it unfit for consumption. Carbon dioxide combines with some ions of hydroxide which makes this whole process unsafe for consumption. This makes the water acidic the higher the amount of carbon dioxide the lower will be the ph levels. Body maintains 7.4 ph levels every day but consuming this acidic water will disturb the whole process due to which it is considered unsafe for consumption. In case one is trying to lose weight then consumption of acidic water is very much injurious. Also the presence of TDS in water should be 100mg/L. Also various people believe that consuming water with low mineral content for a long period of time will lead to deficiency of various minerals in the body making us vulnerable towards diseases. This will cause huge harm to us in the form of diseases and the risk of cardio vascular diseases also increases from this. The research shows that low magnesium consumption will lead to pregnancy disorders and sudden deaths or some kinds of cancers as well. Low consumption of calcium will lead to easy bone fractures in children and premature birth or again some kinds of cancer as well. The COVID-19 virus has not been detected in drinking-water supplies. Based on current evidence, the risk to water supplies is low.
Not using the RO technology is not the solution to such problems as one can surely die by consuming impure water as compared to losses by consuming water with low mineral content. The best option is to remineralize the water which means to add back the nutrients lost during the process again to the water in order to make it fit for consumption. One can add an extra mineralizing cartridge to the filter so that the minerals lost can be added back to the water which makes it healthy and removes all the doubts from people’s minds. Or one can see and buy the filter which provides such features as due to new technology various companies have come up with RO purifiers with this feature. Even for the customer ease various RO service center have been opened up so that consumer can go there for expert advices and repairs of filters so that there is no issue on the behalf of filters used in homes. One should also take care of his or her health by consuming foods rich in potassium, minerals and calcium so that nutrients lost in water can be gained like this.
Thus one cannot predict that RO is good or bad but no other option is available so this is the best at per the present scenario as it not only gives access to clean water but also provides full peace of mind in terms of good health of family.
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