Are you thinking of obtaining a life insurance policy? You should first understand the concept before proceeding with your investment. Life insurance is a necessity for everyone, considering the need to financially secure your family members and loved ones in the event something unfortunate happens to you within the policy tenure.
What is Life Insurance?
Life insurance meaning can be understood as being an agreement with an insurance company where you get life coverage for a particular tenure. Under this agreement, you will pay a premium for securing your life coverage and keeping the policy in force. At the same time, the insurance company promises to pay out a lump sum amount as the sum assured to your nominees and family members in case of your demise within the policy period. Life insurance plans can either be pure term insurance policies with payouts in case of the life assured’s demise, ULIPs as investment options, endowment plans for maturity benefits, child plans, term plans with return of premium, and wide other varieties.
The Importance of Life Insurance
Life insurance provides financial protection against one of the chief risks associated with human life, namely death. Although a human life cannot be valued, the loss of income in subsequent years could be used to calculate a monetary amount. Since the loss of human life results in a loss of revenue for the household, the payout from a life insurance plan can offer comfort in such circumstances by making up for the lost income.
Life insurance is a tool for ensuring your immediate family has some financial support in the event of your untimely death. For example, it might be to pay off debt, such as a mortgage, or to reach financial objectives, like funding a child’s further education or providing for elderly parents or a spouse. In general, life insurance is available to anyone who is an income earner and has some dependents.
What Amount of Cover Do You Need?
The fundamental premise of life insurance is that, in the terrible event that the policyholder meets an untimely death, their family can maintain a reasonable standard of living. That is only feasible if the insurance policy’s payoff is sufficient to compensate for the years of lost income caused by the policyholder’s passing.
There is only a formula that works for some, but you must consider your current lifestyle and potential future demands while determining a number. If the sum assured is not carefully assessed in light of the family’s future needs, the insurance proceeds may run out sooner than you think.
What Policy Is the Best Fit for You?
Many life insurance plans are available on the market, but term and unit-linked insurance plans (ULIPs) are the two most common ones.
- Term Insurance Policies-
The policyholder must pay an insurance company premium for coverage against death under a term plan. If the policyholder passes away while the policy is active, the insurance company pays the nominee the sum insured (s). It is a popular life insurance product because it offers a sizably substantial cover at reasonable costs. Additionally, the plan allows you to receive your premium back when it matures. Additionally, it shields you from financial loss brought on by 55 catastrophic illnesses and death. To suit your particular demands, the plan is offered in many variations.
- Unit-linked Insurance Plans
The advantages of market-linked wealth growth and life insurance coverage are provided by ULIPs, also known as unit-linked insurance plans. They are among the most popular options for achieving one’s long-term goals in life. According to their risk tolerance and time horizon, policyholders can invest in various market-linked ULIP funds. As a result, they can simultaneously profit from life insurance coverage’s advantages. Policyholders can choose to invest in equity, debt funds, or a combination of both through the investment component.
Under the terms of the Income Tax Act of 1961, both term insurance and ULIP plans offer tax advantages at the time of investment and at the time of maturity. Therefore, depending on your age and life goals, either of these options can be a part of your financial plan.
Considering all these factors, you should choose your life insurance policy with care and after doing your homework. Therefore, keep these aspects in mind while selecting your life insurance plan.